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2008/7/2 15:09:47 来源:天津视窗
Integrated Writing:

Reading讲chimps(黑猩猩)有人类的语言能力。因为:1.它能有一些vocabulary; 2.有capacity for grammar,能把单词简单合并,知道把形容词放在名词前面,3.能和人进行简单的conversation。
Listening反对,1.说它的vocabulary是simple, not close to human,2.它没有instinct,因此学习语言的方法与人类不同,只能靠teach each sign one by one over and over again; 3.那种conversation不是conversation,因为它是passive的,只是一种responding, 因为too passive,而且黑猩猩同类之间不交谈。


Independent Writing:
Renewable resources of energy (Sun, wind, water) will soon replace fossils fuels such as gases, oil, and coal. Do you agree or disagree?

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